วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Going Green - Eco-Friendly convention Print Bag Options for Retailers

In new months, it seems that the trend of "going green" - living in an environmentally kindly way - has caught on with mainstream America. Clorox has started advertising green cleaning supplies. Paper towels and toilet paper made of recycled paper are cropping up on store shelves. Car clubs are advertising hybrid vehicles, and celebrities boast about their extravagant eco-friendly lifestyles.

As a practical retailer, joining the green trend may seem too expensive or too difficult. You care about the environment, but you don't have the time to install solar panels, grow grass on your roof, or conserve water with fancy plumbing. However, "going green" can be as easy as changing the store bags you use.

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Enhance your image

Consider how many store bags go through your doors every day. Dozens? Hundreds? By changing to eco-friendly convention print bags, you can help the environment, and also brand yourself as an environmentally aware retailer. Like businesses, consumers are beginning to identify the ecological benefits of green lifestyles. They'll be more apt to do enterprise with a enterprise that shares their philosophy.

Saying your enterprise has "gone green" is one thing. Showing your commitment to the environment with every convention print bag that leaves your store is quite another.

Eco-friendly options for convention print bags

Paper bags ordinarily come to mind first when population think of eco-friendly bags. Paper nothing else but has built a good prestige for itself over the years. Paper bags are both biodegradable and recyclable, making them a very good option for the green retailer.

Some suppliers offer paper bags incorporating 30 percent to 50 percent recycled content on a regular basis at no additional cost. If you determine to go 100 percent recycled paper in your convention print bags, talk to your bag victualer about options. And yes, that 100 percent recycled content bag will cost a wee bit more.

Plastic bags, on the other hand, have built a negative prestige because, until recently, they have been non-biodegradable. If convention print plastic bags are a necessity for your business, discuss with your bag victualer the many options that are available.

Some of these options comprise using 100 percent recycled plastic for your store bags, or purchasing plastic bags with an additive that makes them biodegradable. You could even create a recycling agenda right in your store. All of these options keep your enterprise eco-friendly without limiting you to paper bags or the more expensive reusable bags.

Challenges with eco-friendly bags

The biggest challenge retailers will face with eco-friendly convention print bags is the cost. Unfortunately, eco-friendly bags tend to cost a wee more than regular convention print bags.

Factors influencing the cost of your convention print bag are the size of your products going into the store bags, the division of ink printed on the bags, and the whole of colors printed on the bag. Store owners can lower their cost for store bags by ordering in larger quantities, taking benefit of price breaks. For paper users, instead of going with 100 percent recycled paper bags, use less expensive recycled paper bags with 30 percent to 50 percent recycled material.

Overall, the costs for going green are small. Reconsider it an speculation in future generations, and an immediate speculation in buyer goodwill toward your company.

Help the environment one bag at a time

By becoming a green business, you open yourselves to some great opportunities. For one, you will be doing your part to help the environment and pronounce the planet for your children and grandchildren. You will attract more environmentally aware consumers, which can give you an edge over your competition.

Choose eco-friendly convention print bags today and originate a new name and image for your business.

Going Green - Eco-Friendly convention Print Bag Options for Retailers

